Saturday, March 13, 2010

just things

ok,on one hand i'm quite sad about the break up i had with my ex-boyfriend,but i still think it was a good thing for me...i'm not so moody anymore like i was when i was with him.Ah well,what do you got to do?but i got good news,i am officially the pom pom club vice chairman...whoohoo,i rock...(joking)i'm freaking scared,that is like a big job and i dont know if i can do it...i hope things work out


i'm so sad:'(,i killed a lizard when i was going out of the room...alomst closing the door,i heard a squeak,when i looked i saw a lizard squishhed between the door...then i see it climb to the walls,i can also see blood:(i feel so bad...

Friday, January 29, 2010


hehehehe,stupid me just thought of something...i just remembered that my birthday has past(16th january),so happy birthday to me,yay^^and i broke up with my boyfriend a few days before my birthday,sad huh?and now i feel like an old lady...


ok dudes and dudettes...sorry for the 2 month- long vacation from internet,hahaXD anyways,i have been busy this two months...firstly,i want to tell the world i'm single again...secondly,i think i'm going stupid-i dont know what makes me say that but i really feel stupid...i feel stupid for a lot of things i've done and for things i might be going to do in the future.Ughhh!i kinda hate myself,high 5 to joanna^^you and me can feel crappy together...let's see,what else have i did during the 2 months hoilday from internet was interesting?hmmmmmmmm................actually,nothing much happened,just went through a crappy school holiday...ahwell,goodbye,peace y'all^^